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What is carbon emission?

What is carbon emission?


Carbon emission refers to the release of carbon formed in nature into the atmosphere. Carbon emissions are mostly the result of human-induced activities. With the use of coal-fired industrial vehicles since the 19th century, the greenhouse gas density in the atmosphere has also increased. These gases released into the atmosphere cause the average temperature of the world to increase. The fact that greenhouse gases cover the inner surface of the atmosphere and increase the temperature on the earth by preventing the reflections of the rays from the sun opened the door to a major climate problem that gave danger signals. In direct proportion to the increase in temperature, the glaciers, which are the world’s largest fresh water source, continue to melt more and more and the sea level continues to rise day by day. Due to the increasing average temperature, the regional air currents observed in the world are also adversely affected, and extreme weather events have been experienced in recent years, which we all closely observe and are directly affected by. The measure of the damage caused by human activities to the nature over the amount of greenhouse gas is expressed with the Carbon Footprint.


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