
Data Logger Project
In this study, a 20-channel data logger was designed and produced. PIC18F4550 was used as microprocessor and the software was written in C language over CCS-C compiler. There are 1 real time module DS3231, 1 OLED LCD screen, SD card module and USB RS232 converter in the data logger. DS18B20 Digital Temperature Sensor is used to measure temperature and different sensors can be integrated depending on the purpose. Thanks to the software, the digital data received from the sensors are converted into temperature, and they can be saved both on the SD card and instantly exported to Excel with the USB connection cable.

Integrated Solar Panel Control Card Project
In this project, an integrated system was designed that can directly use some of the electric energy generated from the sun during the day, and store some of it in the battery for the night, and provide both AC and DC output. Here, one of the most important components of the system is the inverter. This part was designed and produced by the project team nationally and locally. PIC was used for the inverter and the necessary software was written with CCS C compiler in C base. The charge control unit was designed specifically for this project and is used to protect the batteries from high and very low charge states. Li-ion batteries are preferred as batteries. Batteries are connected in series so that the desired storage capacity can be set. If more storage capacity is desired here, more batteries can be connected in series or in parallel.

Battery Discharge Control Circuit
For the battery, multiple cells are connected in series and parallel, a control circuit is needed to prevent the battery from self-discharging. With this project, self-discharge of batteries connected in parallel is prevented.

Solar System Solution
We offer solar-based irrigation systems, rooftop or land-based solar systems solution

““What’s the point of being alive if you don’t at least try to do something remarkable for your country and humanity??”
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